Constant Log Outs and Inconsistent UI, Bad Accessibility
The app constantly logs me out. Harvest Support tells me it a known issue with no time frame for a fix. I can see that the app hasen’t been updated in the last 8 months. That is far to long for such an annoying bug to remain. The entire point of the service is to make tracking time so easy you are never in a position of having to go back and figure out when you worked; being unable to start new timers consistantly frequently puts me in the position of trying to remember when I started work on a project. I spend far to much of my time fiddling with the Harvest app and far too little actually working for my clients.
Additionally, the ‘remove idle time’ feature is incredibly porly implemented. The two choices displayed in the pop up don’t make sense in context most of the time. If you’ve stopped a timer on the iPhone or web app, the pop up remains and you have to dismiss it by clicking either ‘keep timing’ or ‘remove idle time’ but both buttons do the same thing if the time was stopped elsewhere.
When starting new timers the UI is inconsistent. Sometimes start time and stop time boxes will be displayed and sometimes a single ‘duration box will be displayed. There does not appear to be a rhyme or reason to decide which to show.
Full keyboard input is also very porly implimented which makes accesssibility a problem. When hitting tab to advance to the next field, the order of the fields is not left to right, top to bottom. Additionallty there is no way to access the end time box via the tab key. For users who like to use full keyboard access or for whom this feature is a requiered accessibility tool, the app is imposible to use.
Once these farily obvious bugs are fixed the app will be workable. It would be nice to be able to change billable status, see your dashboard, send invoice and other options within the app eventually, but currently the app is not even feature complete to simply enter time, so I’m happy to access the other options on the website while you try to figure out the bugs. Please update your app more frequently that once every 8 months and at least fix obvious bugs like the log out issue as soon as they are discovered.
Lyle Barrere about